Sustainable Leadership study tours
Outside our hotel on study tour in Munich
We have more than 35 years experience in running international study tours for leaders and change makers.
See first-hand how proven sustainable leadership practices translate into high performing businesses that also care for society and the environment.
Meet your peers in organisations operating on sustainable leadership principles.
Develop invaluable relationships and extensive networks among both tour participants and hosts.
Our expert tour facilitators have decades of experience
Global leadership experts, Dr Gayle Avery & Dr Harry Bergsteiner, have been leading international study tours since 1999, taking groups of Australian, New Zealand and Asian managers to meet with executives from best practice organisations in Europe, Asia and Australia.
Ms Maria Lorenzo is highly experienced in organising and leading study tours to Spain and the USA.
Study tours to companies in Sydney, Australia
We are pleased to present our mini study tour program: Sustainable Leadership in Action: Champion Leadership. These study tours are tailored for busy senior executives and professionals.
They are powerful, 1-day learning and networking experiences to successful global companies which practice sustainable leadership.
Customised study tours
Arrange a customised study tour for your organisation. Our study tours can be tailored for different groups: C-level participants (CEOs, CFOs etc.) and their successors, functional and middle managers, specific sectors, and for special interest groups eg in the environment, construction, manufacturing.
Interested in a customised program?
Leave your details below and we will contact you.