Micro course

Essential Leadership Tools

Did you know that good people managers receive higher performance ratings, are more likely to be promoted and get larger salary increases than poor managers?

This course is perfect for new managers as well as for more experienced leaders wanting to refresh their skills to maximise team and individual performance.

Become proficient in a wide range of leadership and management tools under the expert guidance of Dr Gayle Avery.

During her three decades as a university professor, Gayle Avery has taught leadership to executives at top tier business schools around the world, including in Australia, China, Germany, Thailand, UK and the US.

This wealth of global teaching experience in designing and delivering executive education courses, along with her wide ranging consulting work with large, medium and small businesses, means that Gayle’s course material is founded on real-life circumstances and is optimally suited to the needs of all managers whatever their business sector or country of operation.


Become a better manager

This applied course trains professionals and specialists in using the leadership tools needed to improve both team and individual efficiency and productivity.

You can start applying the learnings from this practical course on day one. Being flexible, the course allows you to start with topics of particular relevance to your current situation.

Dr Gayle Avery has selected crucial tools that will:

  1. save you time
  2. create efficiencies
  3. motivate your team members
  4. enhance overall productivity and innovation
  5. anchor your processes in core values and
  6. expand your insight into what effective leadership looks like day to day.

Course details

4 learning modules + 1 final quiz

Supplementary materials to aid understanding

Work at your own pace online

Certificate from the Institute for Sustainable Leadership upon successful completion of final quiz module.

Q&A live session with Dr Gayle Avery

Estimated time required: 10 hours

4 learning modules

Module 1. Guiding tools. Here we look at how to set SMART goals, how to give and receive effective feedback, and when to involve others in decision-making to achieve quality decisions acceptable to other stakeholders.

Module 2. Developing tools. This module introduces the newest situational leadership model called the Developmental Leadership Model, the GROW model for effective coaching and mentoring, and a model for diagnosing the causes of underperformance.

Module 3. Inspiring tools.  This session provides you with the means to inspire your team. Learn how to create powerful vision statements that actually enhance performance and motivation. Then we show you how your team can derive a social purpose from the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Module 4. Insight tools.  This module enables you to gain insight into the complexity of organisations by looking at them from multiple perspectives called “frames”. The second part offers you a way of navigating through organisational politics using political terrain mapping.

After taking this course, you’ll be equipped with techniques for motivating and guiding your team members, and generating higher productivity, enhanced motivation and improved efficiency.

You will have mechanisms for analysing the complexity of organisations – including the political landscape – and for inspiring your people towards more sustainable leadership through a shared vision and social purpose

Course fee: $850

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