Capsule course

Purpose and the SDGs

Our learning capsules cover a range of evidence-based topics that help leaders and managers achieve high performance while taking care of people and the planet.

This capsule is about finding a social purpose for your business. To do this, many leaders are turning to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Your presenter is Dr Gayle Avery

Dr Gayle Avery pioneered the field of Sustainable Leadership together with Dr Harry Bergsteiner. During her three decades as a university professor, she has taught leadership to executives and students at top tier business schools around the world, including:

 the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Mannheim University
Basel University
Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM)
and Mahidol and NIDA Universities in Thailand.

This wealth of global teaching experience in designing and delivering executive education courses, along with her wide ranging consulting work with large, medium and small businesses, means that Dr Gayle’s course material is founded on real-life circumstances and is optimally suited to the needs of all managers whatever their business sector or country of operation.

Who should take this learning capsule?

This learning capsule is for all leaders wanting to maximise team and individual performance by introducing a social purpose to their team or entire organisation.

You can start applying the learnings from this practical capsule to your workplace from day one.

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Finding purpose from the
Sustainable Development Goals

The evidence is clear – having a purpose that reaches beyond the organisation enhances business performance, including financial outcomes. Having a social purpose attracts employees, adds meaning for them and so raises motivation and productivity.

The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide ample scope for finding a social purpose. In this capsule, we explore what different organisations are doing to realise some or all of the SDGs.

Understanding the benefits that the SDGs offer to business will make you seriously assess what your own workplace is doing for the SDGs. Is it enough? Especially since the United Nations believes that the world is falling behind the targets.

Benefits to you

After completing this capsule, you’ll:

* understand the value of aligning your people around a shared social purpose

* critically reflect on your own organisation and the SDGs

* be able to steer your team towards more sustainable practices

* know how to improve performance on many measures

* have a strategy to attract and retain the best employees. 

This makes excellent business sense, as well as benefiting employees, society, the planet and other stakeholders.

Course details

This capsule consists of

1 short video outlining the topic

short videos on the SDGs, strategy and practice

an activity to help you learn

supplementary materials to aid understanding

a quiz to reinforce your learning

How does it work?

Work at your own pace online

Estimated time required: 1 hour

You have 6 months to complete the course unless otherwise arranged

We are only an email away with any queries

Sign up and start learning!

Your business can contribute to a better world with less poverty, more inclusive workplaces and cultures, shared prosperity and a better cared for planet.

Course fee: $95

GST will be added for Australian residents at checkout.